Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer Gratitude

(Photo: Charlie)

With the echo of 200 girls back inside of ye gray walls, my summer has officially come to a close. It was a brilliant summer, in so many ways. I thought a good way to kick off this Sunday would be to reflect upon that which I have been grateful for this summer. Things I am grateful for/Summer Bests. Here is my list, in order of my arrival to your town:

Helping my grammy find her cat, who was not lost, just hiding.

Charming the guy at the Franchise Tax Board in order to get him to do his job just a little more efficiently. Again, on grammy's behalf.

Spending time with my parents and cousins. Brief, but good.

Playing Rock Band for the first time, with good friends, in my hometown. I rocked.

A four hour talk with my writing professor, Rofiah. Such a good talk.

Sitting inside of First Baptist Church.

My one day at the beach, flying in and out before midnight, leaving behind a glass slipper.

Facing my fears in Tucson, with protectors near and far.

Coffee, Buddhist talk, and walking the desert in Tucson.

Sitting atop a mountain, talking to God.

Talking with my married friends about marriage.

Meeting some of their little ones for the first time.

Learning about Frim Fram Sauce, and life, from my stylish and wise mentor.

Spending two gorgeous weeks with Charlie, aka: kissyboy, aka: west highland terrier.

Slowing down in Lee, MA. Making friends with the seniors.

Singing loudly to Eric Carmen's "Make Me Lose Control" w/Jen E. while driving around Mass. Love that the song is about a Jennifer. And the a cappella part is hot.

Writing, readng, blogging, tweeting.

Writer within found hiding out in Massachusetts.

Talking about deepest fears and greatest hopes while on a 27 hour road trip to Florida with Gemma and Stacey.

Realizing that a Holiday Inn Express parking lot is no place to sleep on the road.

Observing fathers and daughters at Disney World. Melt.

Screaming my head off on the Tower of Terror.

WISHES! (in unison with Gemma and Stacey).

Being re-united w/Calvin and Chris (age 3) after a summer apart. "NANNNNNNNNNNY..." followed by love fest.

"I love you more than the whole world." -Chris. "I wish I could keep you." - Calvin.

Transatlantic emails with my big sis.

Late night dinners with my little sis.

Proudly sending said little sis off for her first year of college. Yesterday.

Thank you to all who were guest-stars on my summer love tour. I wish I could hit rewind and do it again.

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